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Oct 30, 20233 min read
Just one task? Yeah right!
How many of my fellow neurospicy people have been told so often to just get on with a task they’ve been avoiding? Which has left you...
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Oct 21, 20234 min read
Good Intentions vs Reality
Obviously, I am not speaking for everyone in this, although I am sure many can relate... I wanted to explain some of the, seemingly, daft...
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May 9, 20234 min read
Why does ADHD seem “trendy” right now?
Since discovering my neurodiversity, especially ADHD, I have heard many different responses when I have spoken to others about this. I...
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Apr 18, 20234 min read
One thought at a time? Yeah right!
Before I start with what I want to share, please note this is just my understanding and personal views based on my night-time wanderings...
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Julie Terry-Jenner
Feb 9, 20235 min read
My late diagnosis
Throughout my life I felt a little out of sync with most people around me. I was often told I am different from most, a little bit weird...
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Julie Terry-Jenner
Oct 27, 20225 min read
Me? Autistic?? Huh!!!
The day I discovered I am autistic and have ADHD was quite literally life-changing! Throughout my life, I have had all kinds of struggles...
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Julie Terry-Jenner
Aug 10, 20183 min read
Why do I love what I do?
I have been asked many times why I chose to be a counsellor and if I find it hard listening to other people’s stories each day. My answer...
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Julie Terry-Jenner
Jul 4, 20172 min read
Own your decisions!
Sometimes we feel trapped, or as if we do not have choices. We have pressures from life, people, and responsibilities - and these can all...
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